Perini Rajkumar Calls For Panchamrutam To Save Indian Culture

Ustad Perini Rajkumar, chiselled to perfection by none other than the legend Nataraja Ramakrishna and others down the line, put the Telangana dance form Perini on the World map after the Honourable Prime Minister Narendra Modi mentioned him in one of his ‘Maan Ki Baat’, thus opening the doors to take the Telangana art form to the US and across the globe. The young man, who’s charged up to provide a new opening to those, who don’t want to make a career in regular academics, but still follow their passion, learn and earn.

Speaking exclusively to Natyahasini, Ustad Perini Rajkumar shares that the launch of ‘Panchamrutam’ would be boon to many youngsters, who are not keen on following the beaten path. “Panchamrutam is a five-year-integrated course on Culture, where students, who have passed their Class X will enrol. First two years is Intermediate and the next three years is Degree,” he says, and quickly adds: “There are little changes also”.

Curriculum: Talking at length about this course, Rajkumar says: “Panchamrutam as the name suggests – it is FIVE NECTARS. The first one is Dance, Music, Instrument, Theatre and Yoga. One may wonder, how all this together will help, but it will help. In the first three years, the student will be taught all the subjects. Like if it is dance – 50% will be classical base, 30% folk and 20% will be trendy (Filmy & Pop). The same will be with music too. Coming to instrument – mainly Mridangam, Dappu, Dolu and even Vayu Vadyam like Flute will be taught.”

The Perini dancer, who has been bestowed with the Ustad Bismillah Khan award by the Central Government, feels that by imparting knowledge in every basic department of Music and Dance to a student, it widens his horizon to earn a living as a Teacher in an international school or a brilliant student can try his hand as a Choreographer, Singer or a Music director. The same holds with other disciplines too,” he says.

Rajkumar says: “After gaining knowledge in the ‘Panchamrutam’, the student in the last two years will specialise in any one subject of his choice. In the fourth year, the student will have theory and practical, as he will be teaching in Government schools, conduct school cultural programmes, which will be assessed by the concerned school, thus enabling the student to pass out with a Degree in Culture, and fill a vacant slot as a dance, music or yoga teacher.” In the same breath, he clarifies that ‘Panchamrutam’ is his brainchild and there are many nitty-gritties, which have to be worked out.

Start In Univs: According to Rajkumar, “If ‘Panchamrutam’ is initially launched in the seven Universities (like Osmania Univ, Telugu Univ, UoH and others) in Telangana as a separate department, it will boost the preservation of Indian Heritage and Culture. With regular teaching staff, one can have visiting guest lecturers too for the students to gain a stronghold on the subject of study.” The artist confesses that the course was initially thought for schools, but was revised as a gainful opportunity and employment to the youth. 

The Perini dancer says that the ‘Need of the Hour’ is to ‘Save Culture’ and ‘merge it with education’. To take it further, he has involved two Ustad Bismillah Khan awardees – Dr. Oggu Ravi Kumar, Folk artist and Angandi Bhaskar, Dappu artist; Sharath Sunkari from Theatre and Dr. Surendra Nadh from Yoga.  

The artist shares that he will be taking the Integrated Degree Culture proposal to the Telangana Chief Minister, Revanth Reddy soon. Ustad Perini Rajkumar successfully conducted a 30-day summer workshop on Perini dance at Lalitha Kala Tooranam, in May, which has been extended by another 10 days thus culminating in a dance programme called ‘Sapta Tandava’ at Ravindra Bharathi from 7pm onwards on June 13.

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