Kuchipudi dancer Yamini Reddy, daughter of doyens Padma Bhushans Drs. Radha & Raja Reddy, is conducting an eight-day Virtual Kuchipudi Intensive Workshop from May 24, 2021 to May 31, 2021, which will engage in Adavus as well as learn a Shlokabihnayam from the famous Usha Parinayam of the Kuchipudi repertoire choreographed by Radha & Raja Reddy. The workshop suitable for Intermediate and Advanced Level Dancers will be held from 8am to 9.30am for a fee of Rs. 5,000 only.
According to Yamini, who runs the Natya Taringini, Hyderabad Branch, the pandemic offers a unique opportunity to learn new things and test limits as artists. “In the same spirit, I will be conducting a workshop, exploring few typical Kuchipudi aduvus and an excerpt from the famous Kuchipudi piece – Usha Parinayam in the form of a shloka-Abhinayam, choreographed by Padma Bhushans Drs. Raja Radha Reddy,” she says.
Explaining the piece, Yamini says that it weaves a dream sequence of Princess Usha and her lover Aniruddha and the eventual yearning to be reunited with the love of her life. Brimming in shringara rasa, the piece is a part of the more extensive traditional Kuchipudi dance-drama ‘Usha Parinayam’, she says. Yamini further says that the workshop spanning over eight days begins on May 24 with 90-minute of session each day.
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