Jyoti Kalakshetram students to go weekly on FB, YouTube

Come this Saturday (15 May 2021), Jyoti Kalakshetram School of Arts will begin a new journey of creativity on Social Media. With their annual day slated for May 23 cancelled due to the pandemic, students of Jyoti Kalakshetram will begin presenting every Saturday small Purana stories, Rhymes, shlokas, short stories, mudras etc. in Kuchipudi style on FB & YouTube.   

Explaining about the poster, Limited Space, Art Knows No Boundaries – Constraints are external but creativity is eternal, Jyoti Kalakshetram School of Arts founder Jyoti Reddy says that since the last one year, COVID has dislodged dance schools, performances and training. “Thereby effecting all dedicated and aspiring artists. Due to this, aspiring artists are unable to continue, upgrade and perform like earlier times. To keep up the spirit of the students, I decided to encourage our students by doing performances at their respective places and showcasing them on FB and YouTube,” says the Kuchipudi Guru.

Jyoti Reddy

Trying times don’t last forever, agrees Jyoti Reddy, but in a bid to keep the passion alive, a creative artist cannot just sit idle and wait for the time and big stages to open up for performances. “With students of all ages from world over, it is my constant effort to keep them motivated and ensure they don’t lose motivation in these trying times,” she says.

Though when the situation eased after the first wave of pandemic, one of Jyoti’s students made her Rangapravesham at Shilparamam Madhapur in February 2021 and after that senior students have been performing online on FB, but now she would like participation of younger students too. “The younger students will be given an opportunity to perform on small Purana stories, Rhymes, shlokas, short stories, mudras etc. in Kuchipudi style and in pre-recorded videos,” Jyothi says. The dancer says that the presentations would be in normal practice dresses and in simple look.

The Radha Reddy and Raja Reddy student says that in direct classes it is easier to express and correct mistakes, unlike in online classes. “Nothing can replace direct classes. Online classes are temporary arrangements for safety of everyone. The experience and happiness that we get by performing on big stages in front of huge audience can never replace these online performances. This is just a momentary engagement and satisfaction for us,” says Jyothi.

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