Varna Arts Academy founder, Bharatanatyam dancer and Carnatic musician, Dr. Smitha Madhav, who has played Radha and Goddess Goda devi to such perfection and has equally belted soothing music taking many to higher levels of meditation. Speaking exclusively to Natyahasini ahead of the Vijayadasami festival, Dr. Smitha Madhav, shares that she is working to bring to life an important Telugu work in the dance drama format. She is, however, tight-lipped on the details. She says: “I cannot divulge too many details at this point as it’s in the nascent stages.” Dr. Smitha also plans to present individual pieces (songs, dance pieces and short talks) using the medium of social media to reach out to a larger audience.
Dr. Smitha confesses that ‘Daivam- Dharmam- Desham’, the motto of her academy (Varna Arts Academy), is also the mantra of her life. “As a proud Bhartiya, I enjoy and admire every aspect of our Indic civilisational heritage and thus my life, lifestyle and work reflect these values. In keeping with these ideas, my upcoming works include a lot of creative projects that centre around themes that are both sacred and secular; but yet unquestionably Indian,” she says.
She reveals, “Next year you will see me revive and re-present some of my old works even as I create new ones. While I hope that the works that I will be revisiting will have the additional layer of nuance that comes with experience; I will also endeavour to keep my new works fresh, relevant and meaningful.”
The beautiful Dr. Smitha seeks the blessings of the almighty and her Gurus, in all her endeavours. She has trained in Bharatanatyam under Dr. Rajeshwari Sainath and Late Lalitha Devi in Carnatic music.